Suzanne Wood
Novels and Short Stories
The Barque Of Heaven
Chapter One
Murphy's Law Of Stargate Travel
By Way Of The Stars
By Way Of The Stars Part 2, To The Sea
By Way Of The Stars, Part 3 To The Sea, And Home Again
Draw Down the Moon
Dude, Where's My Spaceship?
Sweet Herbs and Freedom
The library of limitless words
The Return of Persephone
The books I read
Carol Berg
Amazing, imaginative, exciting stories and gorgeous characters.
Sam Llewellyn
Ripping sea-faring yarns I've been collecting for decades.
Jonathan Gash
Antique-forging rogue Lovejoy and the sexy escort Bonn.
C J Cherryh
Stunning scifi of inter-galactic scope with all-too human characters - apart from the aliens with tails.
Martha Wells
Beautifully crafted fantasy and fellow Stargate author.
Diane Duane
The best Star Trek books ever written - piercingly accurate characterisations and pure fun stories.
Katherine Kerr
Generation-spanning fantasy - awe inspiring.
Mary Grant Bruce
Billabong: Australia in its infancy - so memorable.
Monica Edwards
Stories from childhood I still love today.
Girls Gone By
Georgeous reproduction editions of those wonderful books we grew up with.
Kerry Greenwood
Phryne: suave, sexy, Aussie flapper.
The Tablet
Jb and Ellen: two of the finest writers in the Stargate SG-1 fandom.
he places I go
The Australian Ballet
The best ballet company in the world. Not that I'm biased or anything...
The Astor Theatre
The way movies should be seen.
Photo: Sunset, Rye Beach.